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Sober Estimation

by Foothills Church on December 06, 2020

In the sermon, Pastor Neil extolled the biblical value of having an accurate view of yourself. In this lesson we’ll dig deeper into who you really are- what the Lord has given you- and how to joyously live out of your God-given identity

It’s a popular trope in today’s self-fascinated culture to talk about “re-inventing yourself.” But, since we didn’t invent ourselves- we can’t really RE-invent ourselves. People put untold effort into trying to alter things they dislike about themselves to very little effect. That’s because, most of what makes you who you are- is hardwired in by God.

Look up these passages and note who is responsible for many of the most important aspects of your identity; your sex: Genesis 5:2, your ethnicity: Acts 17:26, your parents/family: Psalm 139:13, your inborn aptitudes/talents/spiritual gifts: 1Corinthians 12:11, your basic physical characteristics: Luke 12:24, your lifespan: Matthew 6:27, and your calling or life purpose: Ephesians 2: 10.

Think about this fact: God neither consulted you nor asked your permission about any of the most central aspects of your identity. Why should this fact give us great confidence in life? (Hint: Phil 2:13 & 1Peter 5:10)