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Revival Prayer

by Foothills Church on January 13, 2019

Pastor Dave taught on the role of our prayers reaching our God-given potential. In this lesson we’ll dig deeper into developing and maintaining a prayer life with God. We’ll study “The Life of Prayer” from Pastor Dave and Mark’s book, In His Steps: Following Jesus into a Life of  Power.

Read Luke 5:15-16. Jesus obviously felt a need to get away from the hustle and bustle for times of prayer with God. What do you suppose He got out of it? Do you ever do what Jesus did? Why or why not?

What are some of the things that keep you from developing a discipline of prayer?  How can they be overcome? Do you have a special place of prayer?

We’ve all made decisions without seeking God and paid the price.  Share times you did seek God’s will before making a decision and the result.

Tags: pray, prayer