
Grouped by: Global

    New Life Fellowship Foundation
    12.16.23 | Global

    The Friends of India Network (FOIN) is a team of Christ-followers in the United States and India who have joined together to raise support for Kingdom work. Our purpose is to establish partnerships and empower indigenous workers to spread the...

      05.17.23 | Global

      CENTRAL ASIAFIT International’s mission is to glorify God & expand His kingdomby evangelizing & training thousands of reproducing disciples & pastors to multiply tens of thousands of churches throughout the unreached &...

        Streets of Hope | YEMISRACH (MEYA)
        05.17.23 | Global

        ETHOPIA, AFRICA Streets of Hope was founded in 2018 by Yemisrach (Meya), who was adopted from Ethiopia. Her passion has always been to go back to Ethiopia to reach vulnerable children and their families within the community she came from. Her...

          Samaritan Avation | MATT CONDON
          05.17.23 | Global

          PAPUA NEW GUINEA At Samaritan Aviation, we know there are thousands in the province of East Sepik that do not have immediate access to life-saving medical care. With only one hospital in the region and the way to travel being treacherous, those...

            AB Bible Institute
            05.17.23 | Global

            A vision of 2 decades came to pass in 2013. AB Bible Institute desires totrain 1000 students to reach the lost with the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ by preaching, teaching and planting churches in villages and unreached towns of India and...

              Generation Changers | REBECCA BLESCH
              05.17.23 | Global

              PHILIPPINES | MEXICO | COLUMBIA Generation Changers trains and equips global ministry leaders how to do child and family outreach programs in their communities. The program provides a leadership development track for church leaders, and is a...

                The Merlo Foundation, Guatemala
                10.25.18 | Global

                Our church runs a full-time medical and dental clinic in Magdalena Milpas Altas Guatemala. We partner with the Merlo foundation to help care for the severely disabled impoverished and widowed of this region. We also have an annual medical mission...

                  Youth Venture East Africa
                  10.25.18 | Global

                  YV East Africa is a continuation of Youth Venture’s guiding principles throughout the rural and urban communities of Kenya and Uganda. It started with an assistant chief in Kenya conducting in-school Bible clubs using the Youth Venture...

                    KTMI | LARRY NEESE
                    10.25.18 | Global

                    KENYA, Africa Larry Neese is the national coordinator of KTMI (Kofi Thompson Ministries International) who runs a 2-year pastoral training program for the people of Kenya. Learn More

                      Mantle of Praise
                      10.25.18 | Global

                      Mantle of Praise is a prophetic ministry concerned with revival and restoring a prophetic edge to the whole Body of Christ. Learn More
