The Friends of India Network (FOIN) is a team of Christ-followers in the United States and India who have joined together to raise support for Kingdom work. Our purpose is to establish partnerships and empower indigenous workers to spread the Good News across northern India through financial and prayerful support and vital practical relief.
Focusing on unreached and unengaged people groups, FOIN is committed to planting one “house group” in every village of northern India. Our Indian partners equip pastors and trainers to travel to villages to share the Good News and plant groups. They are also committed to educating and sharing the message of Christ’s love with the Dalit (poorest of the poor) women and children by establishing literacy centers, transformation groups and homes for abandoned children.
God is moving mightily in India! Thousands of people across the country are coming to know the saving love of Christ. We are excited to be a part of this amazing movement. Join us in enabling Christ-centered transformation across India!