Pastor Neil Hoffman gleans three ways to be successful from one of the most unknown judges in the Old Testament.
Pastor Mike Van Meter reminds us what the cost of following Jesus is.
Pastor Mark Hoffman gives us 7 principles that will help us walk in the Lord’s strength.
Pastor Marc Dupont encourages us to be gift givers like God who gave us the gift of His Son, Jesus.
Pastor Mark Hoffman outlines three ways we can grow in our sensitivity to God’s Word.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about two areas that we need to have a sober estimate in.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about the two invitations Jesus gives us: salvation and rest.
Pastor Mike Van Meter encourages us to be willing to accept the new wine that God is offering.
Latest Sermon
Pastor Dave Hoffman uses Colossians 1:9-14 as a guide for praying for our children and loved ones.
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about being the salt and the light of the world.
Guest speaker Brother Charles Simpson uses the exodus as an example for our lives.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about five lessons we can learn from the raising of Lazarus.
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about the three stages of spiritual growth.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about the steps that a prodigal makes.
Pastor Mike VanMeter talks about how if we are going to live for God, we are going to be in conflict with the values of the world.
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how nothing can keep God from fulfilling His promises.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how average is ok in many things but not in our Christian lives.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about how we are the living stones that make up the church.
Pastor Marc DuPont talks about making a resting place for the glory of God.
Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about how we can have good marriages.