How To Renew Your Mind

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about what it means to have a renewed mind.

Jesus’ Advice for the Times We Live

Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about how to live successfully in an unfriendly culture.

The Blessed Life

Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about the deeper meaning of the word ‘blessed’.

Taking Thoughts Captive

David Matranga

The Joy of the Lord

Pastor Mark Hoffman gives us 6 places that we can find joy.

Kingdom Hospitality

David Matranga

The Uninvited

Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about affecting our environment, not reflecting our environment.

Transiton Weekend

Pastors Dave and Mark Hoffman talk about where Foothills Church is headed in the future.

My Biggest Struggle | Part 3

Daniel Waugh

My Biggest Struggle | Part 2

Lauren Miles

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