Perspective In Transition

Pastor Charles Simpson shares three things to hold us steady in the midst of an unstable world.

The Judgement Seat of Christ

Pastor Mike Van Meter highlights four areas God will hold us accountable for on the day of judgment.

Looking Ahead, A Shift in Our Approach

Pastor Dave Hoffman shares what we need to do as a church to influence our culture.

Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord

Guest Speaker Pastor Jim Garlow talks about the government’s role in society.

The View From The Mountain

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how we should be praying for our cities.

Position Yourself To Recieve From The Lord

Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about getting ourselves in the right position in order to be able to receive from the Lord.

Flipping the Commandments

Guest Speaker Pastor Jim Gilbert gives us a valuable perspective on the Ten Commandments.

Take the Land

Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about the similarities between us and the Israelites entering the Promised Land.

The Mystery of Lawlessness

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about the five manifestations of pride that develop lawlessness.

Are You Listening for God's Call?

Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about three specific calls from God.

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Latest Sermon

Man of God

Guest Speaker Pastor Greg Hendricks talks about what it means to be a man or woman of God.
He Gets You!
Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about how we are all fully known by God.
Overcoming the Storm
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about standing on the Word of God while the world is shaking.
Easter 2022
Pastors Dave Hoffman, Neil Hoffman and Mike Van Meter give us the truth about why we celebrate Easter.

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