Pastor Neil Hoffman shows us how God has called us to be people of encouragement.
Pastor Marc DuPont preaches on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and what we can learn about the Father’s heart.
Guest Speaker Dr. Christopher Yuan gives his testimony.
Pastor Mark Hoffman uses the examples of 5 men in First Samuel to show us how to fulfill the calling God has for our lives.
Pastor Neil Hoffman encourages us not to remain silent about the evil around us.
Pastor Mike Van Meter breaks down the Parable of the Prodigal Son into three parts: the scandal, the failure and the return.
Pastor Dave Hoffman preaches on how we should think about our money and possessions.
Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about how important our motivations are.
Pastors Neil Hoffman and Mike Van Meter talk about the mission field to which God has called us to witness.
Latest Sermon
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how we should react to open and closed doors in our lives.
Pastor Mark Hoffman shows us how to stay close to God who is our source.
Pastor Dave Hoffman gives us three components to building a Christian community.
Pastor Mike Van Meter shares four attitudes we sometimes have against being in a community of believers.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about four benefits to community found in Mark 2.
Pastor Mike Van Meter digs deep into the meaning of John 3:16.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how God takes our hearts of stone and gives us new hearts.
Pastor Mark Hoffman shares the key to releasing Christ’s light in our lives.
Pastor Mike Van Meter gives us three things to remember about sharing our faith.
Pastor Dave Hoffman gives us four challenges from the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16.
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about the authority that God has given to parents to educate their children.
Pastor Mike Van Meter preaches on 2 Timothy 3:16-17.