Awe & Wonder

Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about how to unite the ideas of loving God at the same time as fearing Him.

Go Forward

Pastor Neil Hoffman compares the Israelites trapped at the Red Sea with our own lives.

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about the symbolisms and significances of baptism.

The Recipe for Greatness

Pastor Mike Van Meter preaches on what Jesus says is the key ingredient to greatness.

Calling On Encouragement

Pastor Neil Hoffman shows us how God has called us to be people of encouragement.

Calling Home the Prodigals

Pastor Marc DuPont preaches on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and what we can learn about the Father’s heart.

Out of a Far Country

Guest Speaker Dr. Christopher Yuan gives his testimony.

Fulfilling Your Call

Pastor Mark Hoffman uses the examples of 5 men in First Samuel to show us how to fulfill the calling God has for our lives.

Eli and the Sin of Tolerance

Pastor Neil Hoffman encourages us not to remain silent about the evil around us.

Leaving the Lights On

Pastor Mike Van Meter breaks down the Parable of the Prodigal Son into three parts: the scandal, the failure and the return.

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