The Art of Giving

Pastor Marc Dupont encourages us to be gift givers like God who gave us the gift of His Son, Jesus.

Marching To A Different Drummer

Pastor Mark Hoffman outlines three ways we can grow in our sensitivity to God’s Word.

Sober Estimation

Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about two areas that we need to have a sober estimate in.

Pain and Suffering As A Christian

David Matranga

Jesus' Invitation

Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about the two invitations Jesus gives us: salvation and rest.

New Wineskins

Pastor Mike Van Meter encourages us to be willing to accept the new wine that God is offering.

Self Love Leads to Self Distruction

David Matranga

Brother Charles Simpson talks about how God has given us a guide, the Holy Spirit, and we need to be sensitive to His leading.

Elisha's Secret to Success

David Matranga

Jesus In Camouflage

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how Jesus comes to us in hidden ways to test our hearts.

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Cloud of Witnesses
Guest speaker Brother Charles Simpson uses the exodus as an example for our lives.
Don't Bet Against God
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how nothing can keep God from fulfilling His promises.
Beyond the Average
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how average is ok in many things but not in our Christian lives.
Father's Day
Pastor Jim Deyling talks about the importance of fathers.

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