Kingdom Hospitality

David Matranga

The Uninvited

Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about affecting our environment, not reflecting our environment.

Transiton Weekend

Pastors Dave and Mark Hoffman talk about where Foothills Church is headed in the future.

My Biggest Struggle | Part 3

Daniel Waugh

My Biggest Struggle | Part 2

Lauren Miles

Prayer Changes Everything

Pastor Dave Hoffman talks about how God works through people to accomplish His will.

My Biggest Struggle | Part 1

Neil Hoffman

Pastor Mark Hoffman gives us insight into understanding what’s going on in the world and our situation in it.

David Matranga

2021 Can Be A Great Year!

Pastor Dave Hoffman gives us five reasons we can have a great year.

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Latest Sermon

God's Transforming Power

Pastor Mark Hoffman answers the question: Where do we find God’s transforming power?
20/20 Vision
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how the early church met in both large groups and small groups.
The Woman at the Well
Pastor Mike VanMeter talks about how to approach people about Jesus (using the example of Jesus talking to the woman at the well).
Running Your Race
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how important it is to pass the baton to the next generation.
Dream Again
Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about how we can overcome discouragement.
Pastor Mike VanMeter talks about how God redeems us through Jesus who gave His life as a ransom for us.

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