When Jesus Calls You By Name

Pastor Mark Hoffman preaches on the story of Zaccheus.

John 21

Pastor Neil Hoffman preaches on the obedience and disobedience of the disciples.

Four Themes of John 15

Pastor Dave Hoffman gives us four themes of Jesus out of John 15.

John 8

Pastor Mike Van Meter preaches from John 8.

John 1

Pastor Neil Hoffman initiates a 21-day study of the Gospel of John.

The Church is Full of Hypocrites

Pastor Mike Van Meter answers the question: Is the Church full of hypocrites?

Three Lessons in Jesus’ Feeding the 5000

Pastor Dave Hoffman preaches on what we can learn from Jesus’ miracle of feeding the 5,000.

Awe & Wonder

Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about how to unite the ideas of loving God at the same time as fearing Him.

Go Forward

Pastor Neil Hoffman compares the Israelites trapped at the Red Sea with our own lives.

Pastor Mark Hoffman talks about the symbolisms and significances of baptism.

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Latest Sermon

Fear of the Lord

Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how to have an intimate relationship with God.
Calling Home the Prodigals
Pastor Marc DuPont preaches on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and what we can learn about the Father’s heart.
Fulfilling Your Call
Pastor Mark Hoffman uses the examples of 5 men in First Samuel to show us how to fulfill the calling God has for our lives.
Leaving the Lights On
Pastor Mike Van Meter breaks down the Parable of the Prodigal Son into three parts: the scandal, the failure and the return.
The Mission and The Map
Pastors Neil Hoffman and Mike Van Meter talk about the mission field to which God has called us to witness.

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