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Staff Picks - Recommended Reads 3/2020

by Staff Pastors on March 20, 2020

During this time of social-distancing and restricted events, it seems to us that people will have more time to read! Here are some picks from a few of our pastors on some good books to read while you have extra time on your hands. After this post, our blog will suspend our usual format in favor of daily video devotionals from our pastors on the Book of Acts. Once that series is finished, we will resume our regularly scheduled blog posts. click on the book's image to go to its Amazon page.

Kevin Miller's Pick for March:

For Whom the Sun Sings
by W.A. Fulkerson

From Kevin: Just recently in print - I was honored to read an advance copy. If you read it, then you'll be honored, and wonderfully entertained.


David Matranga's Pick for March:

Honor's Reward: Unlocking the Power of This Forgotten Virtue
by John Bevere

From David: Honor and respect are not what they used to be in our culture, especially with the celebrity mentality we’ve adopted where we give honor to people who are famous instead of who God has called us to honor. The good news is, when we honor those who God has called us to honor, there is tremendous blessing.


David Hoffman's Pick for March:

Eternity in their Hearts
by Don Richardson

From David: This incredible book is a true story and teaches that there are keys for every culture to prepare them for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Mike Van Meter's Pick for March:

The Chronicles of Narnia
by C.S. Lewis

From Mike: These books are a wonderful demonstration of the nature of God, and a great story as well. It’s the kind of thing that families can read together and enjoy.


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