
Latest Sermon

The Magi

Pastor Dave Hoffman gives us three important takeaways from the magi.
New Year 2022
Pastor Dave Hoffman uses a passage from Psalm 118 to encourage us going into the new year.
The 4 Women of the Genealogy of Jesus
Pastor Mike Van Meter talks about four women (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba) who are listed in the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in the book of Matthew.
Characters of Christmas
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about how four characters in the Bible responded to Jesus’ birth.
Why Church?
Pastor Mark Hoffman answers the question, “Does a person need to go to church to be a good Christian?”
Noah and Christmas
Pastor Dave Hoffman teaches on how the flood shows us that God rescues His people but holds the wicked accountable.
Who Will I Become?
Pastor Neil Hoffman talks about what the real question is when we have an inner struggle, crisis or conflict.

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