Our goal is to play a vital role in the lives of women so that the benefit is felt throughout the entire family. We help women strengthen the relationships they care about as we grow closer together and closer to God. We firmly believe that women who are close to God draw others close to Him as well.
There are a variety of women’s ministries at Foothills, each one born in the heart of a woman who believed that what she needed was a need for others, too. Our groups are guided by the desire for relationship, training, and support. Our motto is Nobody Walks Alone.

Women's Groups:

Betrayal and Beyond
This is a 10 month study. Call for next start date.
For those struggling with betrayal: Pure Desire groups give you the framework to process your pain with others who can truly empathize. You will begin to understand the true nature of forgiveness and how to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships. You will also see how the pain of another person's addiction has deepened your own wounds from the past. 
Contact Silvia Payan at (619) 890-9268 for more information.
Everyday Moms - large group of moms with young kids - Monthly
Last Tuesday of every month from 9:30-11:30am in the Youth Auditorium. No meeting in June, July or December!
Costs $10 per meeting, includes a light breakfast and childcare
2025 Calendar is January 28, February 25, March 25, April 29, May 27, August 26, September 30, October 28, and November 18th.
Our desire is to create a monthly place for moms of young children to gather, grow, connect, and share as we hear from relatable speakers on topics relevant to our season of life. We hope you leave refreshed, encouraged, and inspired in your ministry of motherhood. Check out our Events page for the next published Everyday Mom's event.
Contact Erica Sickmeyer at (619) 772-5123..
Young Wives
Monday Nights -  various homes
Women, are you newly married?  If you’re looking for a group to learn budgeting, cooking, time management, dig deeper into what a biblical marriage is, then join us for a six (6) week class as we cook a meal together, share a message pertaining to marriage and have ministry time together. We’ll meet at homes throughout the area one night per week.  We hope you can join us.  Let us know if you’re interested in our next class.
Contact Lauren Miles (619) 519-2786
Raising Arrows Homeschool Ministry - Monthly
Second Tuesday of every month (except for June, July & December) from 9:30 – 11:30am in room A-1.
$5 per meeting includes a light breakfast, speaker and childcare. You must pre-register for childcare

Raising Arrows Home Homeschool Ministry, is dedicated to equipping and empowering those who homeschool their children as a primary or supplementary option for their children's education, no matter the stage of their homeschooling journey. Our mission is to provide guidance, support and encouragement where participants can access valuable information, find support in a faith-based community, and foster meaningful collaboration with other homeschoolers.
Forgiven & Set Free Post Abortion Workshop
10 week Bible study. Our goal is to help women heal and come to terms with the pain, gilt and grief of abortion. We will use the wisdom of Scripture to deal with issues such as relief and denial, anger, forgiveness, depression and letting go. Call for next start date.
Contact Leslie at (619) 322-8072 for more information.
Hearts for Adoption small group - 1st Fri of the Month
Meets 1st Friday of the month at 10am in the Foothills Coffee Bar.
Have you thought about Foster care or adoption? Join with other moms for a time of prayer encouragement, speakers, sharing and resources. 
Contact Holly Hedgecock at (619) 867-5115 for more information.
Coffee Shop Drop In  
Thursdays from 9:30-11:30am in the Coffee Bar
Drop off your kids at the playground while you hang out in the coffee shop! Meet with a friend or catch up on some work while the kids play! Childcare $4 per child – Red room 0 – 2 years old, playground 2 – 7 years old.
Please purchase your tickets from the barista or QR code and then check-in with your childcare worker. Childcare is first come first serve. Parents MUST stay on campus.
For more information contact the Foothills Church office: (619) 442-7728. . No Drop-Off on Nov 27, Dec 25, 2025 or Jan 1, 2026.
In Prayer for the Nation - Women's Prayer groups - Tuesday & Wednesday
Every Tuesday at 10:30am in room A5
Contact Patti Hanan at (619) 578-3781 for details.
Every Wednesday at 10:30am in room A5
Contact Gaynelle Merriwether at (516) 984-9498
Kingdom Quilters Sit and Sew
Thursdays, 10:30am -3:30 pm Meet us at the Alpine Library 
Come sew, knit and crochet with us. We make and deliver quilts, baby clothes, etc to the families of Guatemala, Mexico and the US. click HERE to visit our Facebook group.
Contact Kim Ruby at (619) 204-0038 or email her at for most recent information.
Refresh - large group Bible study - Fridays at 9:30am
Fridays from 9:30-11:30am in the A building classrooms
Watch our event's page for our next study.
Each week we’ll discuss homework in small groups and watch a teaching video. 
$cost includes book, materials, and childcare.
We'll have weekly homework, video teaching, small group discussion and encouraging fellowship.
Contact Suzie Farmer at (619) 820-6465 for more information.
Sexual Identity - Hope and Healing 
We meet every other Tuesday night at 7pm on Foothills Church campus
Hope and Healing is a support group committed to extending love, grace and truth to those who are impacted by homosexuality - family, friends and especially the individual with same sex attractions, gender confusion and transgender lifestyles. 
Contact Elena Penny at (619) 316-2643 or Patti Ortiz at (619) 218-5579 for more information.
Women's Bible Study | Do Life Together
1st & 3rd Tuesdays from 5:30—7:30pm.
We are a group of women that have walked through good and hard times together, supporting, caring for, and encouraging each other.  We tell hard truth, gently.  We talk about God in our every moment and daily life.  We pray together and for each other.  We have no agenda, or structure other than to hold each other up and help each other reach deeper levels of trust; knowing each other, Christ, Holy Spirit, and Father God. Cindie Wolf at (619) 208-1282).

Get Involved


Women's Mentoring

If you are a woman who desires a one-on-one mentoring relationship for Christian growth, we can help you find a mature, godly woman to come alongside you. Click "Learn More" and fill out the form.  One of our mentoring leaders will contact you and help you get started.

Learn More

Everyday Moms

Get connected with other moms of preschool-aged children and enjoy a fun environment where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

Learn More             Our Blog



Higher Ground/Sonshine Clubs

If you have a heart to reach kids who might not ever otherwise experience the love of Jesus, click below to find out more about our elementary and...

Women's Ministry Volunteer

The women of Foothills would love to have you as a part of our team! Click below to find out how you can contribute to the work of the women's...

Youth Venture Volunteers

One of our biggest needs is people to staff our four Youth Venture Centers. Take a shift at a time that works for you to hang out each week with...




