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Spiritual Navigation by Senior Pastor Mark Hoffman
In today’s Church, we find a wide variety of beliefs, claims, and practices concerning the Holy Spirit and His gifts and expressions. This leaves many of us unsure of what to make of it all. Many have questions like: “What is the role of the Holy Spirit in my life?” “What are spiritual gifts and how can I learn to grow in their use?” “How can I tell the genuine from the fake in all of this?” These questions deserve answers. In this book, we look to the Bible for the wisdom and direction we need to navigate such spiritual topics. Find out how to grow in the authentic, and lay aside the rest.
The Successful Christian Life by Senior Pastor David Hoffman
You need the right tools to be successful, and what we need is a return to the basics of our faith to revivify, transform, and empower us to live as Christ intended us to. In The Successful Christian Life: 12 Essential Scriptures, Pastor David takes us on a journey through key verses from the Bible that address various, often misunderstood areas of life such as trust, fearing God, prayer, anxiety, finances, and much more. Read this book and memorize each essential scripture, and it will change your life.
Joshua Principle Mark Hoffman
Have you ever wanted to change the world around you? God has shown us how to do so. In The Joshua Principle you will learn how to influence your world by impacting the children and youth around you. What you learn in these pages can help you transform any family, church, neighborhood, or city.
Prayer Will Change Your World by Senior Pastor David Hoffman
Prayer is the single most important activity of the Christian life. Every major revival of God was preceded by diligent, daily prayer, many heroes of the faith were prayer warriors - but sometimes prayer can be hard for us, or difficult to understand. In this practical book, you will learn how to better understand and incorporate prayer into your life.
Unlocking The Kingdom by Senior Pastor Mark Hoffman
Today, individuals and families are being defeated by seemingly insurmountable problems. People grow increasingly desperate, unaware that there is an invisible realm charged with God's power and superabundance called the Kingdom of God. It is available to those who seek it! Jesus was never limited by the physical. He understood how to release God's blessing and provision into human need. Jesus taught His followers the keys to unlocking the power of this kingdom. Though often neglected today, these principles remain the blueprint for how life works and are the secret to transforming your life and world.
The Fear of the Lord: The Beginning of Discipleship by Senior Pastor David Hoffman
This book will challenge and assist you to grow in spiritual maturity. It's written to be versatile, so that you can use it for individual study or with a small group bible study. With a surrendered will and a biblical fear of the Lord, His promises will come alive as you read, bringing enlightenment and wisdom into your life.
On Earth As It In In Heaven by Senior Pastor Mark Hoffman
This is a book about the Kingdom of God. Ever since Jesus came to earth, this Kingdom with its power and supply has been powerfully working through those who have understood it. It has not only transformed whole nations and continents but has changed the lives and futures of millions of people who have dared to believe and fully enter it. But this is also a story of one city and its people who are witnessing the Kingdom of God, then transforming their community. What you learn in this book will allow you to transform your city as well.
Contentment by Senior Pastor David Hoffman
So many Christians mistakenly believe that contentment is the product of abundant finances, material possessions, vacations, or friends. All of those things are wonderful, but the simple truth according to God's Word is that we can be content in all things at all times. As you read this life-changing book, you will discover that contentment is a choice we make daily, thanking the Lord for what He has already provided to us. As the apostle Paul so succinctly shared, "For I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." Philippians 4:11b
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