Women By Design

Sunday, March 30, 2025, 9:00 AM - Sunday, April 13, 2025, 10:30 AM

Location: Foothills Church, 365 Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA US 92020

Cost: $10.00

Women of Foothills! We live in a culture of increasing gender competition, gender confusion and radical feminism, which can make it difficult to know God’s specific plan for each of us as His daughters.

We want to help you find clarity and discover what God’s word says about a woman’s Identity. In this 5-week class called Women By Design, we will answer questions like:
• How do I figure out what God wants me to do in this season of my life?
• How in the world do I balance career and family well?
· How are men different and what does that mean in a relationship?
· How do we solve gender confusion issues?

Everyone who attends will develop a unique, personal plan for fulfilling God’s calling at your particular season of life AND we’re going to have some fun doing it.

So join us Sundays at 9:00, during 1st service starting March 30. And don’t forget to bring your daughter or your friend!

Cost: $10 (for the book)


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